Looking back over the 2024 season, I am struck by how many different aspects of campus life LaFarm touches. Because of this, LaFarm is a place where diverse people meet, collaborate, and form bonds that often continue beyond LaFarm, linking faculty, staff, students, and alumni in a strong web.

This connectedness is at the heart of what we do at the farm. We see it in the web of organisms in the healthy soil we build, as well as in the surrounding ecosystem at Metzgar. We see it in the sustainable food systems we dream about, as well as the real local food system we strengthen.

But with so many fruitful connections in place, the challenge for us is always: How do we prioritize our limited time and resources among all the amazing things we already do, let alone add even more potential projects and partnerships?

As you’ll see in this report, we did a lot of impressive things in 2024 at LaFarm, but believe me, there is so much more in store of what the land at LaFarm can offer our community.

2024 By The Numbers

22,000 lbs. of produce grown*

19 courses incorporated the farm into their syllabus*

1,000 visitors & volunteers spent 1,300+ hours at LaFarm

74 events hosted on the farm

900+ plants sold and donated from our second annual plant sale*

23 student employees worked 3,300+ hours at LaFarm*

Josh Parr, Food and Farm Manager