New No-Till Tools Two new bed-prep implements for our BCS tractor contributed to improving our no-till systems. The flail mower allows us to shred cover crops and crop debris into tiny pieces that break down quickly and feed our soil faster. Its ability to mow super close to the ground also pairs well with our no-till tarping (or occultation) practices that minimize soil disturbance and boost soil health. Our new precision depth roller allows for precise, shallow tillage that prepares the seedbed and eliminates weeds without compromising deep soil structure.

Seed Saving at LaFarm This year we partnered with local seed saving expert Judy Vonhandorf of Genesis Farm for two special events at LaFarm. At the end of the spring semester, we planted an heirloom onion called Rosa Di Milano that had overwintered at Judy’s farm. In the fall semester, Judy visited LaFarm again to show us how to harvest seed from those onions as well as many other crops on our farm. We hope this is the beginning of a fruitful — or rather seedful — relationship!

Campus Compost and Cover Crops When the composting program returned to Lafayette bigger and better in the spring, it wasn’t long before batches of compost were being delivered to LaFarm. After these had cured, they were spread on our fields by a number of volunteer groups, including a fall geochemistry class that came to the farm to learn firsthand about soil health. In addition to feeding our soil with dining hall waste, we also expanded our cover cropping. From now on, one-fifth of the farm will be in full-season cover crop that feeds our soil and helps our planet by sequestering carbon and nitrogen that become free fertilizer for our veggies.

West Ward Market: Click here to learn more about our new partnership with the West Ward Market!